
We care about the environment and that’s why we’re proud manufacturers of sustainable furniture. We source our teak from the sustainable plantations of Perum Perhutani on the island of Java.

Production forests on Java have evolved into intensively and strictly managed plantations. With 4.9 million acres of plantations in 54 forest management districts (mostly in teak), management of these lands is undertaken directly by the state, through the State Forestry Corporation (SFC), Perum Perhutani. These sustainable plantations are owned and managed by the government who have a strict policy regarding the age, size and number of trees felled each year, together with a comprehensive, sustainable replanting program. They assure the legality and sustainability of their teak through SVLK certification.

Read more below...


  • SVLK stands for Sistem Verificasi Legalitas Kayu.
  • SVLK is Indonesia’s mandatory national timber legality and sustainability certification system, also known as the Indonesian Timber Legality Assurance System (INDO-TLAS).
  • All of our teak carries SVLK certification confirming it is legally sourced, thus allowing our furniture to be bought in confidence.


  • FLEGT stands for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade.
  • All our products are made of FLEGT-licensed timber from Indonesia. The legality of the timber in our products is assured through Indonesia's national timber legality assurance system (SVLK) and FLEGT licensing scheme.
  • FLEGT-licensed timber is considered to fully comply with the EU Timber Regulation. The EU FLEGT Action Plan of 2003 is the EU response to the international challenge of illegal logging.
  • The FLEGT licensing scheme is the process whereby Indonesia issues FLEGT licences to shipments of verified legal timber destined for export to the EU, and the recognition of FLEGT licences through border controls in EU Member States.
  • The FLEGT licence confirms that the timber covered by that licence have been harvested, imported, processed and traded according to the relevant laws of Indonesia.
  • Timber accompanied by a FLEGT licence are accepted as legal under the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). For more information, visit the FLEGT website.